Hello all, I am

Kyle Phạm

About me

My Profile

Name Kyle Pham

Occupation Web Developer

Birthday April, 1995

Address Phu Nhuan district, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam

Phone090 4634 139

Email kylepham184@gmail.com

Skype kylepham184

Website https://khuongpham.website

Download CV

My Skills

I had been working as a Software Developer for about 5 years, have good experience on making website based on ASP.Net Core and Laravel Framework.

Technical Skills:

C# (ASP.NET, Winform)80%





PHP (Laravel)65%

Other Skills:

Logical thinking and creative80%

Public Speaking80%

More about me!

Currently, I am a Software Developer living in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

Things that I like:

- Coding

- Photography

- Travelling

- Doing sports weekly

- Music

- Keyboard

My Work


ASP.NET, Laravel, SQL, Microservices


HTML, Css, Jquery, KnockoutJs, Bootstrap, VueJs


  • Senior Web Developer at Joblogic

    - Main responsibilities: Developing new features for company's product and internal tools of company. Doing deployment WebApps to Azure each Sprint. Leadership responsibilities as the Maintenance Web Team Leader.

    - Skills gained: Azure Services, Microservices, Swagger OpenApi, OData, IdentityServer4, VueJs, KnockoutJs, CI/CD.

    - Achievements: Colleague Of The Year 2022, Maintenance Web Team Leader.

  • Web Developer at FPT Telecom

    - Main responsibilities: Building up internal website projects. Participating in a rage of projects as a supporter to enhance the performance.

    - Skills gained: ASP.NET, Entiy Framework, Laravel, gRPC, REST, Ocelot Gateway, Oracle, MySql, HTML, Javascript, Css, Bootstrap, Redis cache.

  • .NET Developer at ICC Innovative Consulting

    - Main responsibilities: Member of team TPG which deployed SAP B1 for Thuan Phuong Group (TPG).

    - Skills gained: .NET Framework, HANA, MSSQL, Dapper ORM, SAP B1.

Companies That I Work For

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Website: http://www.oneicc.com

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FPT Telecom

Website: https://fpt.vn

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Website: https://www.joblogic.com

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Website: https://vinagamma.com.vn

Drop me a line